Tuesday, 27 October 2009

How can I prevent breast cancer?

Risk factors are most important in the development of breast cancer can not be controlled by individuals. There are several factors associated with increased risk, but it is still not clear. In contrast to lung cancer are strongly associated with tobacco. Only a few risk factors that can be done to prevent breast cancer, such as: avoid hormone replacement therapy for long-term, having a child before age 30 years, breast-feeding, avoid excess weight with exercise and proper diet, limiting alcohol consumption.

For women with high risk, the risk of developing cancer can be reduced to 50% by taking a drug called tamoxifen for 5 years. Tamoxifen has side effects, such as vaginal disorders, which are harmless and few side effects which can not usually life threatening such as blood clotting, pulmonory umbolus, stroke, and cancer uterin. Tamoxifen is not commonly used for prevention, but can be useful for some cases. There is data that says that vitamin A, vitamin C, and vitamin E may protect against breast cancer, but still needs further research to prove it.

Currently, the most important for every woman to reduce the risk of death from breast cancer is screening mammogram on a regular basis, know how to do breast self-examination, and went to the doctor regularly.

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