Thursday, 5 November 2009

Modern methods for the treatment of breast cancer

Breast cancer has become a common disease among women in modern times. Formerly known as the sick, elderly woman, women age 20 experience to date, several cases of this. Statistics show that the average risk of breast cancer by 14%. This increases by 32% for smokers. The incidence of breast cancer can be inherited, but rather more to environmental factors and lifestyle. Studies show that two genes, BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations should prevent the growth of cancer cells in general, but whether changes in these genes can lead to increased risk of breast cancer. Combine that with the present and several toxic carcinogens from the environment and higher prices are easier to understand.  Typical symptoms include breast cancer, clot formation, swelling or changes in the breast. However, a cyst or infection can also show the same symptoms. Regular self-breast examination and annual mammography will allow early detection of breast cancer. If there is any doubt and fear that breast cancer can start, other scans such as ultrasound, MRI and PET CAT will be taken.
 Treatment of breast cancer depends on many factors such as size and tumor stage and lymph node status and hormone receptor. Breast cancer is ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), lobular carcinoma in situ (LCIS), infiltrating ductal carcinoma (IDC) and infiltrating lobular ordered carcinoma (ILC).
 Modern technology has taken a number of therapeutic options. You are surgery, radiation therapy, growth hormone therapy and chemotherapy. These therapies can be implemented separately or in combination of many. Full surgery of breast cancer called lumpectomy, is only when the tumor is removed in the chest. Normally, radiation therapy as a follow up action to ensure that the remaining breast tissue transferred hope purged of cancer cells. In mastectomy removes the entire breast and in most cases, followed by radiotherapy and / or chemotherapy. Because the current understanding of cancer is that we really do not know the cause or extent, so is recommended in the hope that it has taken all the cancer cells.
In subjects with invasive breast cancer, radiotherapy and surgery may be supplemented by axillary lymph node dissection. Other hormonal therapy or chemotherapy - or both - may be necessary in a small number of patients with breast cancer. Radiotherapy is an effective method for destroying cancer cells that could be gone after surgery. Radiation therapy reduces the risk of relapse significantly. Side effects of radiation therapy depends on the nature, duration and health status of the patient. Changes in food and dietary supplements is strongly recommended.
 When breast cancer hormone receptor positive, hormonal therapy is a method for primary breast cancer. Hormone therapy stops the hormone estrogen to stimulate cell growth of breast cancer. More recently, the preferred aromatase inhibitors, tamoxifen, especially for the treatment of breast cancer in women after menopause, cancer, hormone-sensitive breast cancer. Chemotherapy is mainly cancer cells that spread from the breast in May in other parts of the body to eliminate shelter. However, chemotherapy is different in each person. It is very important for the treatment regularly and continues to provide follow-up tests to avoid repetition, and changing lifestyles.

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