Description statistical report on the recent nine women for breast cancer to achieve in life. This does not mean that a 30-year female patient is at high risk of developing breast cancer at this point in his life, but that one in nine risk of developing the disease at some point in their lives. In fact, a woman has a I-in-5900 chance that breast cancer at age 30 the risk of 1 in 800 at age 80 men rarely develop breast cancer.
Heredity plays an important role in determining the risk for a woman breast cancer. People who have three or more relatives with the situation, and people whose families have breast cancer in more than a generation at risk. People who have relatives with early occurrence of breast cancer, breast cancer in two or ovarian cancer have an increased risk of developing breast cancer. To be a patient woman BRCAI or BRCA2 mutations with 85 percent chance of developing breast cancer at age 70 Descent.Yet The genetic mutation is more common among Ashkenazi Jewish women, the inheritance is not the only risk factor for breast cancer.
A diet rich in fats, excessive alcohol consumption, being overweight, having a baby after age 30 or at birth in all, after 52 years, early onset of menstruation and menopause are all believed to increase risk of breast cancer. Exposure to environmental toxins is another suspected risk factor. On the other hand, some women develop breast cancer, not high-risk groups.
Signs and SymptomsA lump or thickening in the breast or surrounding tissue in breastTenderness breastSwelling armpit areaChange the appearance of the breast (this may be longer than others, or take a different form) An area of flattening or indentation of the skin of the breast change color or texture change the nipple of the breast (nipple may be withdrawn, dimples, itching or lower) Clear or bloody discharge from medical treatment nippleConventional see you, even a small change in one or two breasts Visit your doctor immediately, since breast cancer may spread to lymph nodes and other parts of the body. Your doctor will examine your breasts and of course a mammogram or chest radiograph. If the mammogram with a mass of tissue or unclear, can show your doctor may recommend an ultrasound. This test uses sound waves to create an image of internal breast tissue.
This is not only used for determining the position of the mass, but to help you determine if the mass is cancer. In many cases, a puncture is needed to confirm the diagnosis. There are two types of needle biopsy. While fine needle aspiration needle is inserted a small volume cancer. If the node is a cyst and not a volume, it will leak fluid from which pierced with a needle. If the node is a tumor, cells are removed for examination. During the biopsy, the cells of breast tissue for real examination.If volume has been removed, less than 4 inches in height, can be removed surgically by lumpectomy (removal of the hump), followed by radiation. If the volume is large, mastectomy (removal of the breast and underlying tissue) is necessary. After mastectomy, the breast can be reconstructed, either in surgery or at a later date. During surgery for breast cancer in axillary lymph nodes removed and analyzed for the presence of cancer cells. Women with positive lymph nodes require hormonal therapy or chemotherapy followed by tamoxifen. There are several options for the treatment of breast cancer according to tumor size, lymph node involvement and whether the cancer cells positive or negative estrogen receptors. Women should discuss treatment options with physicians.Hormone is another common method for treating breast cancer. Does the hormone tamoxifen, the effects of estrogen in the breast that is stopping the growth of cancer cells. Unfortunately, tamoxifen has been shown to increase the risk of Article model of cervical cancer of the uterus, that women are carefully pre-medicine.
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