Herbal medicine is available for thousands of years. There are women with breast cancer with chemotherapy and radiation therapy to complement these traditional herbal medicine and alternative therapies. There is the usual treatment for breast cancer, decrease in herbs and alternative treatments for side effects.
Ginseng has been used by Chinese for centuries. They believe that it stimulates the immune system of patients and their energies. There are over 30 active compounds in the root ginseng. Many of these compounds have anti-tumor properties. In a Chinese study found that women treated with ginseng prior to diagnosis of a higher survival rate than women who took ginseng after their diagnosis. The women said they have a better quality of life and suffer less depression, while ginseng.
Maitake is a mushroom that helps improve the immune system. Here, too, in the East that was widely used. Laboratory studies were performed with liquid extract of maitake. Many researchers believe that beta-glucans of fungi, which helps the immune system, among others. You still do not know why, but the work.
Mistletoe extract has been treated in Europe for patients with cancer for 80 years. It has been shown that kills cancer cells and strengthen the immune system.
There were very few studies on the mistletoe has happened here, but some research is in progress at the end of this year. The researchers examine the safety, immunological effects and toxicity.
Acupuncture is particularly useful for postoperative nausea and pain. Many studies have oncologists research has shown that acupuncture was better for women with breast cancer than those taking medication to combat nausea cons. It will also be a lack of appetite, fatigue and sleep disturbances. The AAMA recommends that women with breast cancer should receive acupuncture during chemotherapy treatments, but only if you talk to your doctor.
All doctors and researchers stress that diet and exercise plays an important role in cancer. Sticking to a regime that is in fruits, vegetables and cereals are very high. The National Cancer Institute recommends at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables and avoid the risk of cancer in different ways. Research indicates that contribute to the detoxification of carcinogens, repair of DNA, strengthening the immune system and maintenance of cellular control mechanisms. Obesity plays a role in getting cancer. Change your diet, eat healthily and take a walk or cycle. It is a proposal that should lead all to heart.
These alternative methods may also you treat your breast cancer and you may experience a quicker recovery. New studies conducted daily for women with breast cancer. Discuss these alternative treatments with your doctor and always let your doctor and your oncologist about any treatment you want to know before taking them. This will ensure that does not affect the substitution therapy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I am not in the medical field. This is only information that I have done research on curiosity and desire to know all the possibilities.
Ginseng has been used by Chinese for centuries. They believe that it stimulates the immune system of patients and their energies. There are over 30 active compounds in the root ginseng. Many of these compounds have anti-tumor properties. In a Chinese study found that women treated with ginseng prior to diagnosis of a higher survival rate than women who took ginseng after their diagnosis. The women said they have a better quality of life and suffer less depression, while ginseng.
Maitake is a mushroom that helps improve the immune system. Here, too, in the East that was widely used. Laboratory studies were performed with liquid extract of maitake. Many researchers believe that beta-glucans of fungi, which helps the immune system, among others. You still do not know why, but the work.
Mistletoe extract has been treated in Europe for patients with cancer for 80 years. It has been shown that kills cancer cells and strengthen the immune system.
There were very few studies on the mistletoe has happened here, but some research is in progress at the end of this year. The researchers examine the safety, immunological effects and toxicity.
Acupuncture is particularly useful for postoperative nausea and pain. Many studies have oncologists research has shown that acupuncture was better for women with breast cancer than those taking medication to combat nausea cons. It will also be a lack of appetite, fatigue and sleep disturbances. The AAMA recommends that women with breast cancer should receive acupuncture during chemotherapy treatments, but only if you talk to your doctor.
All doctors and researchers stress that diet and exercise plays an important role in cancer. Sticking to a regime that is in fruits, vegetables and cereals are very high. The National Cancer Institute recommends at least 5 servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables and avoid the risk of cancer in different ways. Research indicates that contribute to the detoxification of carcinogens, repair of DNA, strengthening the immune system and maintenance of cellular control mechanisms. Obesity plays a role in getting cancer. Change your diet, eat healthily and take a walk or cycle. It is a proposal that should lead all to heart.
These alternative methods may also you treat your breast cancer and you may experience a quicker recovery. New studies conducted daily for women with breast cancer. Discuss these alternative treatments with your doctor and always let your doctor and your oncologist about any treatment you want to know before taking them. This will ensure that does not affect the substitution therapy with chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, I am not in the medical field. This is only information that I have done research on curiosity and desire to know all the possibilities.
It has been found that mistletoe helps in combating cancer. It has been observed that mistletoe cause lesser side effects than chemo and radiotherapy. Mistletoe extract bolster the body’s immune system in combating tumours. For more information on it, refer Mistletoe extract